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Week two

Cody has officially been a tripawd for a little over TWO weeks. Where in the world did that time go? He got his stitches out Friday and did fantastic. I was scared he might not want to go with the people there after what happened the last time he went, but he was super happy and trotted along with them. The oncologist said he was licking everyones faces while they were removing them. Everyone always loves Cody, he’s just so friendly! The oncologist even said she likes him so much she wishes she could give us free Chemo…. yeah… us too!

Cody has been eating great and getting little walks which he really seems to enjoy! He is really starting to get his spunk back. He is officially off all of his surgery meds! But he still has to wear the cone of shame for this week (because he has some scabbing around the wound) and he is on exercise restriction for this week as well (small walks only). But overall we are so happy with his progress so far! He had a great weekend filled with some time in the sun, lots of belly rubs, chewing on his favorite bone and snuggling with Tim and I. It really is remarkable what these dogs can go through and still come out with their personalities! We are going to be taking Cody to see a holistic veterinarian next week to talk about some holistic approaches to cancer as we have decided not to do chemotherapy  because of the price. It seriously breaks my heart that it comes down to that… but in reality that is what we are faced with. We know that we did more for him already than a lot of people would have been able to and for that we are grateful. We thank God everyday for the extra time we are spending with him while he is pain free. I love seeing his sparkle! Soon he will be able to play with his brothers again and I know he cannot wait for that! Here are some pictures that document Cody’s second week. If you look back at his other pictures you can TOTALLY see the difference in his personality 🙂


On our way to get the stitches out! (he was not feeling a picture)

cody stitches out

Bone Time!

cody bone

Snuggle time with Houdini


Laying in the sun!

cody outside belly

Everyone outside enjoying some much needed sun


He  was so happy to be outside and loved chewing on a stick for the first time this year!

cody outside






Published in: Uncategorized on March 10, 2014 at6:50 pm Comments (6)

One week on three legs

It has been one week and two days since Cody went from four legs to three; it has been one week and one day since he has been home and Tim and I have been riding this emotional roller coaster for one week and three days.  Such a short amount of time for so much to change in our family. It still honestly feels like it was just yesterday that our regular vet told me she suspected the dreaded C-word and sent us on to OSU oncology to see Dr. Breit who confirmed our worst fears and gave us our options which directed us to the amputation the very next day. But enough about all of that… Cody is doing GREAT!

We were both nervous about how he would adapt but he has proven that he is one brave, strong boy. It took almost the whole week, but Cody is now laying on his “stump” periodically, even when he sleeps at night. He has adjusted to pooping and peeing, although he only poops once a day now, but its always a lot :). He has also gone for quick walks outside when he goes potty. He is eating well and drinking well and does pretty well in the cone of shame. He still sleeps for majority of the day, which is fine with us as his body needs to recover and he has even reduced the amount of times he is up at night. But he barks when someone knocks at the door and even RAN out the door to great a friend today. He was just so excited he couldn’t take it. It’s the little things we celebrate around here!

Today we went to a great pet health food store and got all new food for both of our guys. We never knew how horrible for them the current food we were feeding them is! UGH! But now we’ve got it figured out. We spent over an hour getting advice from the great people there and finally decided on a low carb high protein dry kibble and a raw frozen supplement along with some organic goats milk and fish oils. As well as some low carb healthy chicken heart treats! Both boys got a taste of the new kibble and LOVED it right away so that’s promising.

And more good news… only six more days until those awful sutchers come out and he can officially be off his medications! He’s down to two now, just his antibiotic and a smaller dose of the pain pills.. but being off of them will be great!


And finally here are some photos that document Cody’s first week home 🙂


Cody loving all the attention from his daddy!

tim and cody

Ziggy used to lick Cody’s ears ALL the time, but hasn’t since he’s been home… until last night 🙂


zig and cody

Cody and Mommy photo shoot!

ang and cody

On one of his good days this week where his spark was showing again

cody ears

And walking outside in the snow to go potty. He doesn’t like to stay out long because he gets to cold… but he is doing great and his wound is looking wonderful 🙂

cody outside

Published in: Uncategorized on March 2, 2014 at10:09 pm Comments (3)

The first days home

Cody has officially been home for almost four days! It’s amazing to have him back home, and it’s really been an adjustment. His first two days home he slept majority of the time… which we expected. He has been going for tiny walks outside to go potty. He has the peeing thing down… Pooping is still a work in progress. He used to be very predictable, and now… not so much. He didn’t poop at all on Saturday, twice on Sunday, and only once yesterday. As of now nothing yet today either. He makes me so nervous when he walks outside. I know that he is adjusting, and pretty well at that (he was only using his good three legs most of the time anyway) but it scares me to see him stumble and it’s hard for him to get comfortable sometimes when he lays down. The surgeon said that he is allowed to lay on either side, but he only lays on his good side. He tries so hard to lay on the side where his leg used to be, but he never quite gets it. He just spins and gets lower to the ground and then stands back up like he is scared. Being the worried mom I am I called the surgeon to ask about this, just to clarify. He said it was normal and that he is trying to acclimate. Either way, I worry. He’s also been up quite a bit at night. I’m a light sleeper so I sleep right next to him (even on the floor) and I get up with him every time to make sure he is okay. He wakes up almost every hour… and he never used to do that. He was always a “cover me up and I’ll sleep for days” kind of sleeper. I’m hopeful that as he heals, it will be easier for him to get comfortable and sleep for longer periods of time. His eating is back to normal and he drinks a good amount of water (all while standing!)… so that is all promising!  And yesterday a little bit of his spunk came back 🙂  He was in a good mood every time I came home to check on him, and Tim said he was in a good mood all evening. Then last night, he just couldn’t get comfortable and I was up with him most of the night petting him and letting him lay his head on me when he needed to. So of course, I got nervous. Honestly I think he’s probably doing better than me at this point 🙂 But over all, with it only being four days since such a major surgery I think he’s doing pretty well and I can’t wait for him to get over this healing hump!

Oh the cone! He does much better than we thought he would though 🙂



There’s those perky ears!



Pardon his bruising (apparently he jumped off something right after surgery… it looks much better now!) But look at that handsome face 🙂



Published in: Uncategorized on February 26, 2014 at1:37 am Comments (2)

A welcomed homecoming

Last night Cody’s surgeon called to give us an update, he was doing very well after waking up from the anesthesia. They told us they would walk him and call us again in the morning. At 750am they called again and told us Cody was ready to come home! Tim had to work and couldn’t go, but luckily my sister was in town for a wedding and was able to ride along. I was anxious to see him and to talk to the surgeon about how everything had gone. They said he did great and the procedure was routine. They explained all of the medications he would be on and how to care for him for the next few weeks. There was so much information, and all the while I just couldn’t wait to see him. They brought Cody in, and the first thing I saw was his happy face. His ears were perked up and he had his silly dog smile plastered all over his face. He came right up to me and gave me a big kiss. I talked with the surgeon a little more about what was next and then happily walked Cody to the car so he could go home. He peed right away when we got outside! I was so excited that he had at least worked out how to do that already. When we got home, I tried to get him to eat and he did a little, with some encouragement, and he also drank some water. Then we got him onto the futon and he curled up next to me and slept, hard. When Tim got home from work, Cody could hardly stand it to not get off the futon and run over to him. It was an emotional reunion as Cody buried his face in Tim’s shoulder and let him hold him. My heart was content as I watched our family be reunited after the past three days. I know he needs lots of rest in the coming weeks and we intend to give him all the TLC he needs while he recovers. The wound didn’t scare me as much as I thought it would, yes he looks different and it will take some getting used to, but the most important thing is that he isn’t in pain anymore. So for now, we rest and let the healing begin so he can play with his brother again and run outside and be the happy, playful dog he’s always been.


Cody’s been such a trouper he even let me snap some pictures of him resting away, under his favorite blanket of course!




Houdidni our cat, and one of Cody’s best buds, wasn’t quite sure what to think about him today.. he’s made a few visits and smelled him to make sure he’s ok though.







And Ziggy continues to be the watchful brother and keep an eye on Cody while he’s sleeping. Cody did the same thing for him a few weeks ago when he had a procedure done on his foot. It’s amazing how in tune with each other they are.



Published in: Uncategorized on February 22, 2014 at10:10 pm Comments (3)

the beginning

I guess it’s best to start at the beginning of Cody’s story so you get to know him and his current situation. Cody was born in Seattle, Washington and was adopted by my husband when he was stationed there in the Navy. He’s flown in an airplane to get back to Ohio and has lived in many different houses throughout his young seven year life. When my Tim and I met four years ago, Cody quickly became best buds with my German Shepard mix, Ziggy. Since then they have been inseparable. About a year ago Cody was diagnosed with a partial tear to his ACL. We had talked about surgery options and were saving up to have it done this summer (2014). His limp started to get worse and when he stopped putting pressure on his back leg, we thought he had completely torn it and would need his surgery sooner. We went to our regular vet on Wednesday February 19, 2014. and she did some X-rays. Cody’s ankle was swollen and she wanted to check that out, thinking it was fluid build up from him not using his leg. She came back into the room, and our lives were turned upside down. Cancer. That bump on his leg was a tumor. Our vet told me that we needed to see an oncologist and she called The Ohio State University veterinary hospital and made us an appointment for the next day. On Thursday we went to OSU and met with an oncologist who confirmed that yes, it was a bone tumor, more than likely osteosarcoma. We were given options for treatment and as our world crashed around us we made the hardest decision we’ve had to make together, to amputate Cody’s back right leg. The surgeon met with us that day and scheduled his surgery for this morning. We’ve never been so scared, watching out little guy go through all of this in such a short time. Ziggy was unsure what to do when we came home last night without his brother. We worried all night and waited for the call saying Cody had made it through surgery. That call finally came around one o’clock and the surgeon tech said that Cody did great. The surgery went well with no complications and he was currently resting in ICU. We both breathed a sign of relief as he had made it through the biggest surgery of his life. Now we just wait to hear from them again tonight and we can go see him, and hopefully bring him home, tomorrow. The past three days have been a whirlwind for our little family, and I still can’t believe it really happened and that my furry baby is at the hospital, with only three legs. I’m scared to see him, scared for his recover, and scared for what his life is going to be like from now on. But for now, we will live in the moment, as dogs always do, and be grateful that god has allowed us the opportunity for him to be pain free and with us for a while longer.

Published in: Uncategorized on February 21, 2014 at9:02 pm Comments (4)

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