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A welcomed homecoming

Last night Cody’s surgeon called to give us an update, he was doing very well after waking up from the anesthesia. They told us they would walk him and call us again in the morning. At 750am they called again and told us Cody was ready to come home! Tim had to work and couldn’t go, but luckily my sister was in town for a wedding and was able to ride along. I was anxious to see him and to talk to the surgeon about how everything had gone. They said he did great and the procedure was routine. They explained all of the medications he would be on and how to care for him for the next few weeks. There was so much information, and all the while I just couldn’t wait to see him. They brought Cody in, and the first thing I saw was his happy face. His ears were perked up and he had his silly dog smile plastered all over his face. He came right up to me and gave me a big kiss. I talked with the surgeon a little more about what was next and then happily walked Cody to the car so he could go home. He peed right away when we got outside! I was so excited that he had at least worked out how to do that already. When we got home, I tried to get him to eat and he did a little, with some encouragement, and he also drank some water. Then we got him onto the futon and he curled up next to me and slept, hard. When Tim got home from work, Cody could hardly stand it to not get off the futon and run over to him. It was an emotional reunion as Cody buried his face in Tim’s shoulder and let him hold him. My heart was content as I watched our family be reunited after the past three days. I know he needs lots of rest in the coming weeks and we intend to give him all the TLC he needs while he recovers. The wound didn’t scare me as much as I thought it would, yes he looks different and it will take some getting used to, but the most important thing is that he isn’t in pain anymore. So for now, we rest and let the healing begin so he can play with his brother again and run outside and be the happy, playful dog he’s always been.


Cody’s been such a trouper he even let me snap some pictures of him resting away, under his favorite blanket of course!




Houdidni our cat, and one of Cody’s best buds, wasn’t quite sure what to think about him today.. he’s made a few visits and smelled him to make sure he’s ok though.







And Ziggy continues to be the watchful brother and keep an eye on Cody while he’s sleeping. Cody did the same thing for him a few weeks ago when he had a procedure done on his foot. It’s amazing how in tune with each other they are.



Published in: Uncategorized on February 22, 2014 at10:10 pm Comments (3)

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  1. on February 22, 2014 at 10:17 pmtrituck Said:

    Hurray! Cody is home already!

    As you said, the next two weeks he will need some TLC….and so might you 🙂

    Recovery from the surgery can be a bit of a roller coaster…but it is soon over and Cody and his “siblings” will adjust to his new normal.

    Hugs to all of you

    Linda and Tucker


  2. on February 23, 2014 at 3:57 ammaximutt Said:

    Glad to hear your handsome boy is back home where he belongs! 🙂


  3. on February 23, 2014 at 6:23 pmjerry Said:

    Ohhhhh how sweet! I’m so glad he’s home and recuperating. The power of the pack will go a long, long way toward helping him get back to the new normal. Please let us know how we can help OK?



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