One week on three legs
It has been one week and two days since Cody went from four legs to three; it has been one week and one day since he has been home and Tim and I have been riding this emotional roller coaster for one week and three days. Β Such a short amount of time for so much to change in our family. It still honestly feels like it was just yesterday that our regular vet told me she suspected the dreaded C-word and sent us on to OSU oncology to see Dr. Breit who confirmed our worst fears and gave us our options which directed us to the amputation the very next day. But enough about all of that… Cody is doing GREAT!
We were both nervous about how he would adapt but he has proven that he is one brave, strong boy. It took almost the whole week, but Cody is now laying on his “stump” periodically, even when he sleeps at night. He has adjusted to pooping and peeing, although he only poops once a day now, but its always a lot :). He has also gone for quick walks outside when he goes potty. He is eating well and drinking well and does pretty well in the cone of shame. He still sleeps for majority of the day, which is fine with us as his body needs to recover and he has even reduced the amount of times he is up at night. But he barks when someone knocks at the door and even RAN out the door to great a friend today. He was just so excited he couldn’t take it. It’s the little things we celebrate around here!
Today we went to a great pet health food store and got all new food for both of our guys. We never knew how horrible for them the current food we were feeding them is! UGH! But now we’ve got it figured out. We spent over an hour getting advice from the great people there and finally decided on a low carb high protein dry kibble and a raw frozen supplement along with some organic goats milk and fish oils. As well as some low carb healthy chicken heart treats! Both boys got a taste of the new kibble and LOVED it right away so that’s promising.
And more good news… only six more days until those awful sutchers come out and he can officially be off his medications! He’s down to two now, just his antibiotic and a smaller dose of the pain pills.. but being off of them will be great!
And finally here are some photos that document Cody’s first week home π
Cody loving all the attention from his daddy!
Ziggy used to lick Cody’s ears ALL the time, but hasn’t since he’s been home… until last night π
Cody and Mommy photo shoot!
On one of his good days this week where his spark was showing again
And walking outside in the snow to go potty. He doesn’t like to stay out long because he gets to cold… but he is doing great and his wound is looking wonderful π

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Oh Cody!! Cannot stop grinning!! And I keep scrolloing back up to look at these great pictures and just grin even bigger!
Happy Hannah didn’t lay on her amp. side for FIVE WEEKS! You are way ahead of the curve Cody!
And Ziggy, what a sweet pal you are to groom your Cody so gently and so thoroughly! I’m not sure which one of you enjoyed it the most!
You are a very, very handsome boy Cody! and a very well loved boy! You’ve got a lot of good food coming your way too! Loving and spoiling 24/7—tummy rubs—ear scratches—Ziggy ear licks-your Daddy wrapping you up in pretty red blankie—getting lots of hugs from your momma—treats and more treats—yeah, life is good for Cody!!
Thanks for sharng these wonderful photos and update! Keep ’em coming!
Hugs to you and all your pack!!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Bravo! Applawse!
What a great update, I’m so glad to see the progress that you’ve been making. You look like an old pro in that snow (which I hope goes away soon so you can really get outside and have a ball!). Till then, rest up and get ready to take over the world!.