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Almost 7 weeks!

It has really been almost 7 weeks since Cody became a Tripawd! This time really needs to slow down! It’s been very busy in our house for the past couple of weeks… I’m finishing up graduate school and we are preparing to move right after that. But Cody isn’t missing a beat! He is as happy as he has ever been and his personality is bigger than ever. He is seriously smiling every second he’s awake. He’s decided that he loves green beans, but hates carrots.. unless they are mixed in with other things of course 😉 He also loves apples, bananas and peanut butter!


It has finally started to warm up in Ohio so Cody and Ziggy are both getting tons of outside time. Cody loves to pick fights with Ziggy and chase sticks around the yard. He also loves to howl at the top of his lungs and be as silly as can be. He brings so much joy into our lives. When I look at him I am reminded to take in the day and be in the moment. I make a conscious effort to snuggle with him and his brother daily and to spend as much time with them as my busy schedule will allow.


I could go on about how fabulous he is doing but a picture is worth a thousand words 🙂



Always a character!


This is how he sleeps on a nightly basis… crazy dog 🙂


Getting some indoor exercise with Ziggy





Loving the peanut butter!



His new “king size” bed… courtesy of his auntie Kimmy




Livin like a king with his bed and blanket





All of our boys 🙂



Watching TV with mom




And Ziggy doesn’t like it when he doesn’t get his picture taken too… so here he is begging to go out and play 🙂




Din Din time! So healthy 🙂








Thanks for stopping by! Cody sends his love to everyone 🙂

Published in: Uncategorized on April 10, 2014 at2:22 am Comments (5)

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  1. on April 10, 2014 at 7:40 amtrituck Said:

    What a wonderful update, Angela.

    Cody and all of your other boys look great.


    Linda and Tucker


  2. on April 10, 2014 at 1:58 pmndetlor Said:

    I am so happy for you and the excellent results you have had with your dog, Cody. We are four weeks post amputation and have experienced a few challenges. Our Gerri had her front left leg amputated on march 19th. It got infected one week in and then had to opened again to clean that infection. She was healing then on Tuesday this week she started to bleed heavily with blood clots. Still happening but slower now. We are hoping it will stop completely in a few days. We called vet and they made a house call. Pressure bandaged her and said they didn’t know why she was bleeding. We had the drain tubes taken out the day before the bleeding started. I’m hoping this is why. She s walking well, eating well and all bodily functions well, just the bleeding is the complication now. Her pain has been managed with tramidol.
    Hope we get results like you soon.
    Thanks for listening.


    • on April 10, 2014 at 7:18 pmAngela Said:

      Hi Nora,
      I’m so sorry you are dealing with so much right after the amputation. Those first couple of weeks are so hard. We, thankfully, did not have complications following his surgery. I would encourage you to go to the forums and start a post! There are so many knowledgeable people on this site that can help you along the way and we are all here to support you!


  3. on April 10, 2014 at 4:27 pmbenny55 Said:

    First…Nora…please start a thread in the forums so we can better help support yo and Gerri, okay?

    CODY!:-) 🙂 🙂 This update and these DELIGHTFL pictures will have me grinning from ear to ear for days!! OMD! I’m s happy!!

    Yes! He is FABULOUS and so are his pictures! I LOVE hw he sleeps in bed. So clearly the “doggy bed” is for you and the “human” bed is for Cody!

    And Ziggy LIKES havinghis icture taken? That’s unusual! Guess he ows hw cute he ks and wants the world ro see!!

    HAPY SEVEN WEEK AMUVERSARY CODY!! And looing forward to a hundred years more!!!!!

    This calls for ICE CREAM AND CAKE on top of those green beans!!

    Sending love and doing the hopy dance over here!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


  4. on April 10, 2014 at 5:10 pmjerry Said:

    Bravo Cody and family, you are showing the world what is possible after losing a leg, and that is that the world is just as big and beautiful and fun and exciting as ever. Even more so because as you’ve come to find out, Tripawds are ROCK STARS!!!

    Love these updates and photos, what fun. Congrats!


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