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the beginning

I guess it’s best to start at the beginning of Cody’s story so you get to know him and his current situation. Cody was born in Seattle, Washington and was adopted by my husband when he was stationed there in the Navy. He’s flown in an airplane to get back to Ohio and has lived in many different houses throughout his young seven year life. When my Tim and I met four years ago, Cody quickly became best buds with my German Shepard mix, Ziggy. Since then they have been inseparable. About a year ago Cody was diagnosed with a partial tear to his ACL. We had talked about surgery options and were saving up to have it done this summer (2014). His limp started to get worse and when he stopped putting pressure on his back leg, we thought he had completely torn it and would need his surgery sooner. We went to our regular vet on Wednesday February 19, 2014. and she did some X-rays. Cody’s ankle was swollen and she wanted to check that out, thinking it was fluid build up from him not using his leg. She came back into the room, and our lives were turned upside down. Cancer. That bump on his leg was a tumor. Our vet told me that we needed to see an oncologist and she called The Ohio State University veterinary hospital and made us an appointment for the next day. On Thursday we went to OSU and met with an oncologist who confirmed that yes, it was a bone tumor, more than likely osteosarcoma. We were given options for treatment and as our world crashed around us we made the hardest decision we’ve had to make together, to amputate Cody’s back right leg. The surgeon met with us that day and scheduled his surgery for this morning. We’ve never been so scared, watching out little guy go through all of this in such a short time. Ziggy was unsure what to do when we came home last night without his brother. We worried all night and waited for the call saying Cody had made it through surgery. That call finally came around one o’clock and the surgeon tech said that Cody did great. The surgery went well with no complications and he was currently resting in ICU. We both breathed a sign of relief as he had made it through the biggest surgery of his life. Now we just wait to hear from them again tonight and we can go see him, and hopefully bring him home, tomorrow. The past three days have been a whirlwind for our little family, and I still can’t believe it really happened and that my furry baby is at the hospital, with only three legs. I’m scared to see him, scared for his recover, and scared for what his life is going to be like from now on. But for now, we will live in the moment, as dogs always do, and be grateful that god has allowed us the opportunity for him to be pain free and with us for a while longer.

Published in: Uncategorized on February 21, 2014 at9:02 pm Comments (4)

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4 Comments      Leave a comment.

  1. on February 21, 2014 at 11:36 pmadmin Said:

    Welcome, and thank you for sharing your story!

    Best wishes for Cody’s speedy recovery. If you can’t bring him home yet, you might reconsider going to visit him. Most dogs get very anxious upon seeing their people, and then become upset and restless when they leave without them. Find more helpful care and recovery tips in the Tripawds e-books.

    Please keep us posted.


  2. on February 22, 2014 at 3:30 amfourminipups Said:

    Welcome Cody and family-

    Sorry about the diagnosis and most of us here know just what a shock that news is and how it takes your breath away. Sending healing thoughts your way and we are here for support in anyway possible.

    We’ll watch for more updates. Take care-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter


  3. on February 22, 2014 at 3:50 ammaximutt Said:

    So glad to hear brave Cody is out of surgery! I remember when I visited Max I was also really afraid to see him the for the first time with three legs. But I was so happy to see him, and he was so happy to see me, that I didn’t even notice the missing leg (and it was a front leg!). I didn’t care. I was just really happy my boy was alive! Just love up your boy, and keep us updated! Hopefully Cody can come home soon!!


  4. on February 22, 2014 at 3:11 pmbenny55 Said:

    Just saw your post and understand completely the whirlwind nightmare you’ve been in! Scarey doesn’t even begin to describe it!

    HOWEVER, once recovery takes place and you start to see Cody’s sparkle come back and he is living his life pain free…WOW! You will realize you did this FOR Cody…not TO Cody!

    My tablet’s getting ready to fizzle, but just wanted to say a quick “hello” and to let you know you are not alone!

    Recovery is no picnic, so please stay connected to us and let us know how we can help.

    My Happy Hannah just celebrated her ONE YEAR AMPUVERSARY and movng forward (knock on wood)! The time togetheris truly sacred…a true gift. Just stayin the moment and enjoy every blissful second!

    I’ll be watching for your updates.

    Take care and lots of hugs to yo and all your pack!!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


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