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18 months!

Once again it has been too long since our last update about Cody. Honestly, since everything is still status quo there hasn’t been *too* much to update. Cody celebrated a pretty big milestone this week, 18 MONTHS! WOOHOO!!! He is still loving life on three legs and being the goofball that he always is. His personality hasn’t skipped a beat despite all he has been through. Tim and I were talking the other day about how many things Cody has gotten to experience that we were scared he never would when we learned of his diagnose and the prognosis from our oncologist. The main ones being moving back to Elmore, moving into our first home and meeting his baby sister when we found out I was pregnant.

I remember watching my belly grow and seeing how Cody reacted to it. He would snuggle up on my big ol’ belly and sleep, follow me all around the house, hang out in the nursery with me when I was putting things away. Sometimes while he was doing this, I would shed a tear or two and pray that he would stay healthy and be able to meet the new addition to our family. For those of you who know Cody, you know he LOVES babies and it would have broken my heart into a million more pieces if he never got to have one of his own. But Cody keeps living life and crushing every osteosarcoma statistic there is!

No Chemo, No Radiation, just homeopathic natural remedies from Dr. Loops, a new diet, and LOTS of love have allowed Cody to keep fighting like he is.

Still weighing in good, still eating/peeing/pooping fine, still playing with his brothers, still howling when you come home, still running to greet guests at the door.

We are BEYOND thankful and truly believe that God put Cody with us and has given him so much extra time for a reason. He completes our family and this cancer can just take a hike!

Enjoy some photos of Cody, notice in them how much he adores Emma. 🙂

IMG_4238 IMG_4235 IMG_4006 cody and emma




Thanks for listening.



Hugs and Kisses to everyone!

Published in: Uncategorized on August 24, 2015 at8:43 pm Comments (6)

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6 Comments      Leave a comment.

  1. on August 24, 2015 at 9:53 pmbenny55 Said:

    I’ve been with Cody since this journey started and fell in love with him from day one. I didn’t think he could melt my heart anymore than he already has…but he just did!!

    These pictures are PRICELESS!! You have such sacred treasures for your family album!!!

    I’m a total .ush after reading your post and seeing these great pictures!! Cody is a MIRACLE dog on sooo many levels!!

    HAPPY EIGHTEEN MONTH AMPUTATION CODY and looking forward to soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    many more!!!!! Talk about an inspiration and hope…Cody is exactly that!

    We are all so honored to be a part of this spectacular boy’s journey! And we get to say “his” baby Emma too! We nave a whole lot of ADORABLENESS going on here!!

    Tha k yoh for this delightful uldate! I just cannot stop smiling!

    Sending so much love to everyone…and a small bowl of organic ice cream to Cody from Happy Hannah!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!


    • on August 25, 2015 at 1:36 pmAngela Said:

      Thank you Sally! I don’t know how we would have made it through without the love and support of all the Tripawds family! It is truly a blessing that we found you all and that you can celebrate with us 🙂


  2. on August 25, 2015 at 1:12 ammom2shelby Said:

    I think you and Cody started your journey around the same time as me and my Shelby… and I am thrilled!!! Thrilled that Cody has been such a huge survivor!!!! This news makes me SO happy that he has beaten SO many odds! And w/out chemo/extra treatment. You give hope for so many trying to decide what to do.

    Congrats on your baby … adorable photos (as always)… hugs and love!


    • on August 25, 2015 at 1:37 pmAngela Said:

      Thank you Alison! We are so happy we found all of you and don’t know how we would have made it through without all your love and support! Hope Jasper Lily is doing great and her ears stay huge 😉


  3. on August 25, 2015 at 4:35 pmjerry Said:

    Oh my DOG we have hoppy tears in our eyes, talk about a pawesome update! Love love love this news and that life is so good to your adorable pack. Seeing Cody’s love for his little sister is just the best thing ever, what a great big brudda he is!

    Congrats you guys, what an inspawarational boy you have there. Thanks for all you do to share your story and give hope to others!!!

    CODY RULES!!!!


  4. on August 25, 2015 at 8:01 pmharmony Said:



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