Happy one month apuversary cody!
WOW! How has it been a month already?!?! I have no idea. I do know that we are enjoying every moment we have with Cody and that we are trying to be “more dog” everyday. Cody is now back to pretty much his old self. He has been running with Ziggy, chasing Houdini and howling at us when he wants our attention. He is especially fond of treat time and eating in general now that he has crazy yummy food. Anyone who has ever seen Cody eat knows he used to take FOREVER to eat a bowl of food… now.. he gobbles it right up and wants more!
We had our consultation with Dr. Loops this week. He is a homeopathic veterinarian out of North Carolina. We decided to go that rout for treatment. Cody started his remedies on Friday and seems to be doing good with them. Nothing out of the ordinary. We will call Dr. Loops back in 3-4 weeks and get new doses! Cody also started fish oils this week. We have also decided to keep weighing Cody at home so we can monitor his weight.
We are just so amazed with Cody and his amazing dogness. He truly is our hero.
He wanted nothing to do with getting a picture taken when he was enjoying the sun and treats 🙂
Except maybe when mommy had the treat in one hand a the camera in the other
But mostly he just watched daddy who had the treats and toys
and he REALLY wanted nothing to do with taking a picture by his frame with his hat on
Because again… treats are more important 🙂
Happy ONE month ampuversary Cody!!… we love you <3

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Woot! Woot! We love you too Cody! Congratulations on rockin the Tripawd Nation!!!
Congrats and way to go, Cody! I’m all about the treats, too, and have been told that I’m pretty much irresistible now so I use that to my advantage ; )
Keep on rockin’!
KB and family
Cody, you are a fine looking young man! Any dog who looks this handsome should not mind having his picture taken!
Clearly you are a smart boy because you’ve trained your humans to give you treats if they want a picture!! Who’s the genuis is this pack??
I love ALL these ohotos, but especialy the two where you are celebrating withthat hat! Better get used to it sweet boy. You are going to be havng a lot of these!!!
Hey Cody, have your mom and dad check out Hyde’s blog today…his pawrents are going themholostic route too. It would be nteresting to compare te recommended remedies. They’re using someone out of Illinois I believe. Many here have ised Dr. Loops too.
HAPPY HAPPY ONE MONTH AMPUVERSARY CODY!! You are dong GREAT! You’ve got your humans eating outof the palm of yourpaw!!
Still grinning over here!!
You melt my heart!
Sally and Happy Hannah