The spunk is back!
We are now 3 weeks post-amp and Cody finally has his spunk back! We have been over the moon this week as we watched him become more and more like his old self! Here are some highlights from Cody’s big week…
*He spent his last day in the cone of shame on Friday!
*His exercise restriction was officially over on Friday as well!
*His auntie Tonia and Grammy came to visit on Tuesday
*His friends David and Ashley came to visit this weekend
*He and his best cat bud Houdini chased each other around the house for the first time in three weeks!
*He wrestled with his brother Ziggy for the first time in three weeks as well!
*He (and everyone else) slept in our bed upstairs for the first time since he’s been home
*And he made his first outing (other than the vet) to the pet store to pick out a new toy!
Needless to say it has been a great week in our house! We can’t wait for this upcoming week’s “warmer” weather to get Cody outside a few days and on a few more little walks around our complex… it’s been a long winter!
Thanks for keeping up with Cody’s Journey… It means so much that so many people are rooting for him! 🙂
Enjoy his cuteness 🙂
“of course I want a treat mom!”
His new toy selection
So happy to be back in bed!
Lovin’ the window’s down!
Cody and Ziggy just relaxing
Cody and mommy Saturday morning snuggles 🙂

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Isn’t it great when they finally get past “that point”? A lot of stress and weariness just seems to kind of float away, and everything feels “normal” again!
Way to go, Cody!! You are totally awesome!!
Cody that is quite a funny little toy you’ve got there!
Life is good, you all look so relieved to be back in the routine. There is so much to be said for those little things that we always take for granted.
Hope you have a great week ahead!
Oh Cody!! You have me grinning ear to ear!!
You just melt my heart! Happy Hannah and I qre coming over too snuggle with you!
These are THE best pictures!! I LOVE, LOVE LOVE the one of yo ridng in the car just zoniingout in the ure bliss of the moent!! OMD! This is a great picture!! They all aregreat!
And you and Ziggy are an adorable pair!
Keep these great updates AND photos coming! It makes us all so happy!!
Okay, gotta’ go scroll back up and look at these precious pictures again!!
HUGS to Cody and ALL the pack!
Sally and Happy Hannah
Go Cody!! So glad to hear this!!