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The first days home

Cody has officially been home for almost four days! It’s amazing to have him back home, and it’s really been an adjustment. His first two days home he slept majority of the time… which we expected. He has been going for tiny walks outside to go potty. He has the peeing thing down… Pooping is still a work in progress. He used to be very predictable, and now… not so much. He didn’t poop at all on Saturday, twice on Sunday, and only once yesterday. As of now nothing yet today either. He makes me so nervous when he walks outside. I know that he is adjusting, and pretty well at that (he was only using his good three legs most of the time anyway) but it scares me to see him stumble and it’s hard for him to get comfortable sometimes when he lays down. The surgeon said that he is allowed to lay on either side, but he only lays on his good side. He tries so hard to lay on the side where his leg used to be, but he never quite gets it. He just spins and gets lower to the ground and then stands back up like he is scared. Being the worried mom I am I called the surgeon to ask about this, just to clarify. He said it was normal and that he is trying to acclimate. Either way, I worry. He’s also been up quite a bit at night. I’m a light sleeper so I sleep right next to him (even on the floor) and I get up with him every time to make sure he is okay. He wakes up almost every hour… and he never used to do that. He was always a “cover me up and I’ll sleep for days” kind of sleeper. I’m hopeful that as he heals, it will be easier for him to get comfortable and sleep for longer periods of time. His eating is back to normal and he drinks a good amount of water (all while standing!)… so that is all promising! Β And yesterday a little bit of his spunk came back πŸ™‚ Β He was in a good mood every time I came home to check on him, and Tim said he was in a good mood all evening. Then last night, he just couldn’t get comfortable and I was up with him most of the night petting him and letting him lay his head on me when he needed to. So of course, I got nervous. Honestly I think he’s probably doing better than me at this point πŸ™‚ But over all, with it only being four days since such a major surgery I think he’s doing pretty well and I can’t wait for him to get over this healing hump!

Oh the cone! He does much better than we thought he would though πŸ™‚



There’s those perky ears!



Pardon his bruising (apparently he jumped off something right after surgery… it looks much better now!) But look at that handsome face πŸ™‚



Published in: Uncategorized on February 26, 2014 at1:37 am Comments (2)

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  1. on February 26, 2014 at 2:21 ammaximutt Said:

    You have hit the nail on the head: it’s only 4 days after a major surgery, and Cody is still adjusting. My boy Max took weeks until he laid on his surgery side. It will take time, and Cody will get there eventually. Max used to do the same thing you are describing: circle and get lower, then eventually get up and lay on the good side. And Max also had trouble getting comfortable at night to sleep. This is pretty standard. Keep in mind that Cody is on a boatload of meds, and that can affect him also. But (hopefully) to ease your mind a bit, just know that what you are describing with Cody almost mirrors how Max acted. We didn’t really see Max’s “true self” come back until about 4 weeks after surgery. Some dogs are faster at recovering, some are slower. You are doing everything right. Always call your vet if you’re freaked out about something. And come to the forums, everyone there has been where you are now!


  2. on February 26, 2014 at 9:36 amtrituck Said:

    From your description, Cody is doing amazingly well.

    And what a beautiful face he has πŸ™‚

    The first few weeks can be a roller coaster influenced by meds, pain from major surgery and the adjustment to being a tripawd.

    In Tuck’s case, I really noticed the spark of life return when his sutures were removed at the two week mark.

    Celebrate each of Cody’s victories….and soon this will be the new normal for all of you.

    Take care of yourself too – it really is hard on the humans during this time too.

    Linda and Tucker


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